annargd – Spring 2015 Class Blogs Blogs by Students in the Spring 2015 Sections Thu, 29 Oct 2015 01:12:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 English Final Exam Tue, 12 May 2015 03:53:56 +0000 ]]> English Final Exam


This semester was difficult for me and my school work suffered. My priorities were forced to shift and I did not focus enough on school. However, I do believe I presented projects that I put a lot of effort into. Mainly, I am very proud of my fourth project. The posters were very difficult to create, but I took the time to learn everything I needed to in order to create them. One assignment of mine was not submitted by the end of the grace period. All the work was completed, however, I was often forgetful about submitting things.


I only attended 24 out of 37 classes. I gave a weak attempt  at emailing every time I would be out, but when it came to personal reasons I mainly kept them to myself. I realize I should have made a better effort. I wish I had been in attendance for more because I really enjoyed it when I did. Classes were organized very well and I never felt as though I was wasting my time.


I really enjoyed participating in the peer review discussions we had for each project. It was nice to see what I was doing well and what I should change. Additionally, I think the student conferences you described in the survey are a great idea. I would have really enjoyed to go more in-depth with you on some parts of my projects.


My earlier posts are my favorite. They show the development of my blog and it is very interesting to see my website progress. I have included a part of one of my posts.


“Seeing a picture of a mountain can evoke passion, curiosity and adventure in a reader.”

Day One – Feb 4, 2015


This was something I wrote on my first post. Reading has always been a great interest of mine, I love getting caught up in a good book and putting myself in the texts. When I write, that’s what I try to get from my readers. It is also something I tried to incorporate into my projects. It was very important for me to create things that readers could make their own interpretations of.


Working on the projects was the best part of the semester. I really enjoyed using so many different tools and learning about them. Additionally, I love the creative freedom that we were given with the assignments. Specifically, the Remix project. It was so fun to see everyone’s projects and create my own. They were all so unique and it was nice to get to know everyone a little more by seeing which story they chose and the direction they took the piece.


When I created my Web Portal, designing it was the best part. I had never used WordPress and am happy that I am now familiar with it. Below is a screenshot of a part of my blog.I loved that I included a picture with each post. I think that it kept the page interesting and visually appealing to readers.

Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 11.44.27 PM

Overall, this semester in your class was beneficial for me. I am holding an internship with the Virginia Tech athletics marketing department this summer and I can’t wait to use what I have learned in this class. As someone that has a lot of peers in the English and Professional Writing program, I will definitely recommend this class to them.

Revision Plan Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:39:34 +0000 ]]> Last night I decided to change my project completely.Instead of creating pinterest boards for the dwarves, I will be making them into superheros. Each superhero will have their own unique set of powers displayed on a poster.

During the peer review, my peers said they liked the project idea. They helped me come up with ideas to display the posters and expand on the ideas. Now I will focus on deciding which powers each dwarf will have.

Today’s Progress Mon, 20 Apr 2015 20:01:32 +0000 ]]> Today I started working on my presentation for Project 4. I began working on a slideshow in Google Slides. I don’t know if this is how I am going to present my project in the end, but for now it is helpful for getting all of my ideas down.

I am on schedule to finish my project on time. By next class I will have enough to show my peers during the peer review.

Ideas for Remix Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:40:58 +0000 Read more →

  • What makes a good remix
  • What makes a good digital story
  • Stories I am considering

  • ]]>
    Timeline Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:27:50 +0000 ]]> Today we created our timelines for having the project completed. I created my timeline keeping in mind the other school assignments I have due over the next couple of weeks. Keeping up with this schedule will help me to stay organized and on track to finishing my project.

    I have attached my timeline below:

    4/14 – story board

    4/20 – presentation sign up

    4/22 – feedback

    4/27 – have project completed by this day

    5/6 – submit project

    Remixing the Story Idea Thu, 09 Apr 2015 12:44:23 +0000 ]]> I have decided to use the story Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. I want to create Pinterest boards for all of the dwarfs. Each dwarf will have their own board that includes an outfit, an accessory that matches their personality and a picture of the place they would like to visit the most. I want readers to be able to use the Pinterest board to learn more about each of the dwarfs.


    1. The movie ‘Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs’

    Prokect Thu, 02 Apr 2015 03:59:36 +0000 Read more →


    Day 3 of presentations Mon, 30 Mar 2015 14:53:29 +0000 ]]> Today we had another round of presentations.

    The interface Thematic appealed to me the most today. Like i’ve mentioned before in my posts, photography is something that really interests me. On my blog, I like to include pictures of hikes I’ve been on. Thematic seems like another interesting way to display my pictures. i like that with Thematic you are able to tell a story with your pictures.

    I definitely would consider creating a Thematic account as a new place to display my pictures. The presenter did a great job analyzing its content.

    Day 1 Presentations Mon, 23 Mar 2015 14:53:08 +0000 ]]> We had the first day of presentations today. I, along with 7 others, presented our applications to the class.

    I really liked the application of Coogle. Mind mapping is a tool that is very helpful to me and I like the idea of being able to make one online and save it for later use. Currently, I just jot them down on notepads which eventually leads to them getting lost.

    Coogle is definitely an application that I could see myself using. It is free, easy to use and serves a purpose that is helpful to me.

    P3 Peer Review Fri, 20 Mar 2015 14:34:46 +0000 ]]> Today in class we were paired up to review the projects of our peers.

    I had my powerpoint examined by Brigid. My powerpoint was almost complete so she had positive things to say. Brigid also suggested I change the theme of my presentation to make it easier to see on the projector.

    Some things I need to work on are:

    – adding more pictures
    – fill out my notecards for my presentation
    – finalize the project
