screenshots – Spring 2015 Class Blogs Blogs by Students in the Spring 2015 Sections Thu, 29 Oct 2015 01:12:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Screenshots Wed, 18 Mar 2015 16:38:00 +0000 Continue reading ]]> What I Did…

Today I started taking screenshots of Meograph for both my presentation and my web essay.

Why I Did It…

I wanted to capture as much as I could visually capture in order to really guide my audience through my web essay and presentation in a way that made sense. I think that adding visuals is very important when trying to teach someone how to use a tool. It is important to be able to visualize how something works in order to use it. The screenshots also make my web essay and presentation more interactive and visually pleasing. It was sometimes hard to capture large portions of the page, so I had to do a lot of cropping, which forced me to decide what parts of the tool were most important to share. I also had a problem with using Jing for screenshots, sometimes when I transferred my Jing screenshots to WordPress they became really blurry, so I had to retake a bunch of screenshots using the incorporated Mac screenshot feature, so that was really annoying.

Screen shots for my web essay & presentation: 

Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 1.07.08 PM

Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 1.07.28 PM

Teleworking! Thu, 05 Mar 2015 21:21:08 +0000 ]]> What I Did

For Friday 3/6’s class, I worked on my following goals:

You can see my completed Writer/Designer Analysis document by clicking on the hyperlink above in the bulleted list. I created my login tool, took screenshots, filled in the analysis questions and discovered how the site worked.

Why I Did It

I created a login because it required me to and I wanted to have an account since I’ll be working on the tool a lot in the upcoming weeks. I took screenshots along the way because I knew I’d have to do it all over again if I didn’t seize the opportunity. It was a lot easier to just take the screenshots as I worked because it shows exactly what I did step-by-step so it will now be easier to complete my analysis. I filled in the analysis questions along the way as well because it was more helpful to do so as I was witnessing it for the first time and it was fresh in my mind as I tried to navigate the new site.

Below, you can see my proof that I worked on this project for 50+ minutes:



**I took a Jing video screenshot of these initially but WordPress doesn’t allow for them to be embedded.**
