brigidpettit – Spring 2015 Class Blogs Blogs by Students in the Spring 2015 Sections Thu, 29 Oct 2015 01:12:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Last in class workday! Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:50:39 +0000 ]]> What I Did:

Today I finished my Remix and created my presentation!

Why I Did it:

I fixed the layout of my remix project project because it was a little hard to read. I chose Google slides as my presentation tool because I already had my story in a Google slides presentation. I think it works better as a presentation tool than as a remix tool. I decided to use only words in my presentation because my project is short enough that we can take a look at the site during my presentation slot. Also, I think my project looks better all together than separately; the tweets look strange when they are out of context.

Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>
In class work day Fri, 24 Apr 2015 14:58:03 +0000 ]]> What I did:

Today I designed a site on my blog for my Remix project. I imported all of the tweets and the facebook posts onto the page and wrote narrations for the story. I started working on the design of the site itself, especially the layout of the pictures.

Why I did it:

I’m getting to the end of my project, so I really needed to get the elements of my project onto a website. I really like the website look better than Google Slides, so I’m very happy with my decision. I just need to fix the layout so that the story and narrations are in order.

Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>
In class work day Fri, 24 Apr 2015 14:58:03 +0000 ]]> What I did:

Today I designed a site on my blog for my Remix project. I imported all of the tweets and the facebook posts onto the page and wrote narrations for the story. I started working on the design of the site itself, especially the layout of the pictures.

Why I did it:

I’m getting to the end of my project, so I really needed to get the elements of my project onto a website. I really like the website look better than Google Slides, so I’m very happy with my decision. I just need to fix the layout so that the story and narrations are in order.

Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>
Revision Plan Wed, 22 Apr 2015 14:39:26 +0000 ]]> Today we had a peer review day, and my partners really helped me figure out some options for the format of my project. I have all of the basic elements, but the Google Slides presentation doesn’t do my project justice. My partners suggested I try creating a site on my blog so that the updates can be seen continuously, which is an idea I hadn’t thought about before. I think their feedback makes sense, since Twitter and Facebook are sites with continuous scrolling. On Friday I am going to design a site and import all of my images and see what the final product looks like; if I’m satisfied, I will start making my presentation for class.

I’ll include a link, but it’s not going to be in this format in the final project; also, I need to fix a few of the images:

Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>
Making a Rough Cut Mon, 20 Apr 2015 14:54:25 +0000 ]]> What I Did:

Today I started putting all of my images into a presentation format. I tried out Prezi, but I decided I wanted to use Google Slides instead.

Why I Did It:

With peer review quickly approaching (next class!), I knew I needed to start pulling together different parts of my project into one “thing.” I tried Prezi because I’ve never used it, but I actually kind of hated it. So I went with Google Slides, which I’ve only ever used to import slide shows into my Google Drive. I need to start working on compiling my sources into the presentation.

Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>
Documenting and Presenting Decisions Sat, 18 Apr 2015 00:53:58 +0000 ]]> What I Did:

Today I created a fake Facebook wall for my characters and started filling in events and dates. I still haven’t decided on what kind of presentation tool I’m going to use, although I think I’ve narrowed it down to using either Prezi or Google Slides. I like the documentation example about music credits in movies, so I might be using a similar citation style.

Why I Did It:

I decided just fake tweets weren’t enough for my project because I wanted to include more social media. I think it makes them seem more like celebrities.

Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>
Mock-ups and Storyboards Wed, 15 Apr 2015 14:52:36 +0000 ]]> What I did:

Today I made an outline for the entire project. I also finished creating the tweets for the princess and I started and finished creating the tweets for the prince.

Why I did it:

I wanted to have the tweets finished because they are the basis of the project; they tell the original story. Everything from now until the end of the project is going to follow what happens after the story ends.


-Prince tweets and Princess tweets telling original “Princess and the Pea”-like story

-Princess lost in Blacksburg snow storm 2014

-Stumbles upon a beautiful castle-like house

-Boy as handsome as a prince opens door, mother hates the girl and doesn’t believe she’s a true Hokie princess

-Hides something UVA under her bed (probably a baseball hat or a sweatshirt or something)

-Girl sleeps terribly

-Boy has found his Hokie princess!!

Possible fake instagram detailing their Hokie romance; if not, fake Facebook detailing the change in their relationship status following the end of the story.

Need to find a presentation tool that works with both and that will show the tweets simultaneously

Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>
Planning out my Remix Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:49:14 +0000 ]]> What I Did:

So far, I have started making fake tweets for my princess and planning out the story.

Why I Did It:

I just wanted to test out the fake tweet websites, and I really like them, so I think I’m going to keep creating tweets until my story is complete.

  • Mock-up or Storyboard on 4/15; have at least 10-15 tweets done so that the story is complete.
  • 4/17: Choose a presentation tool and start picking tweets to use.
  • Presentation Sign-up on 4/20.
  • Peer Feedback on 4/22; have a draft of the presentation using the chosen tool. Ask for feedback on the princess’s tone in her tweets.
  • After Peer Feedback, go through presentation and fix any mistakes, edit anything mentioned in feedback. Start getting ready for the presentation.
  • In-class Presentations on 4/29 to 5/6.
  • Project Due by 11:55 PM on 5/6.

Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>
Informal Proposal Wed, 08 Apr 2015 14:33:09 +0000 ]]> For my Remix a Story project, I have chosen the story of The Princess and the Pea. I chose this story because it’s a short story and I think it’s a funny story. I think it will be fun to remix. My general plan for this project is to create a twitter account for the princess in the story, set in present-day Blacksburg. She’ll be tweeting as a celebrity after the story takes place; I was thinking about having the fairytale take place last winter when we had all of that snow. Nowadays, the princess is a celebrity, and she is tweeting about her life after being “discovered.”

My sources include:

The original story:

“Hans Christian Andersen : The Princess on the Pea.” Hans Christian Andersen : The Princess on the Pea. Accessed April 8, 2015.

The Broadway version of the story:

“PLAYBILL.” Once Upon a Mattress on Broadway. Accessed April 8, 2015.

A TV episode version of the story

“The Princess and the Pea.” IMDb. Accessed April 8, 2015.

Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>
Looking at P4 Examples Fri, 03 Apr 2015 14:38:09 +0000 ]]>
  • What makes a good remix
    A good remix uses an existing story and transforms the telling of the story, not necessarily the outcome. A remix can take parts of other stories, like characters, and use them in the re-telling, but the basic elements of the original story must remain intact enough for a reader to understand that it is actually a remix. For this project, the multimodal tool used should be different from the original one, and it should contribute to the re-telling. For example, if I used a video to remix a story, the fact that I’m using a video should be a part of the story. My character could be making a video blog, or sending a video to a friend.
    • What makes a good digital story
      I thought the “Chamber of PostSecrets” was the best example of a good digital story. There is a clear reason for the technology, (it’s supposed to be an anonymous site where people submit their secrets), there are parts of the story that weren’t actually from the book, but they make sense within the project, and it uses several different modes of communication.
    • Stories I am considering
      I was thinking about doing Pride and Prejudice, The Princess and the Pea, or something else, I’m not quite sure yet. I was thinking Pride and Prejudice because I’ve read it so many times and I know the story so well. And I’ve always loved The Princess and the Pea, so I thought that would be a good option. I could also do the story of Esther, since I’ve recently studied that. I’m worried that Pride and Prejudice will be too long, but it’s one of my favorite books, so I would really like to try and remix it.

    Filed under: Remix a Story ]]>