Planning out my Remix

What I Did:

So far, I have started making fake tweets for my princess and planning out the story.

Why I Did It:

I just wanted to test out the fake tweet websites, and I really like them, so I think I’m going to keep creating tweets until my story is complete.

  • Mock-up or Storyboard on 4/15; have at least 10-15 tweets done so that the story is complete.
  • 4/17: Choose a presentation tool and start picking tweets to use.
  • Presentation Sign-up on 4/20.
  • Peer Feedback on 4/22; have a draft of the presentation using the chosen tool. Ask for feedback on the princess’s tone in her tweets.
  • After Peer Feedback, go through presentation and fix any mistakes, edit anything mentioned in feedback. Start getting ready for the presentation.
  • In-class Presentations on 4/29 to 5/6.
  • Project Due by 11:55 PM on 5/6.

Filed under: Remix a Story