Author: Doug Bowman

Project Work: May 3

I present my Remix a Story project tomorrow, so I spent tonight in the Math empo finalizing my organization and creating my presentation. Because I kept my work organized throughout via my mockup, moving the Tweets over in order to…

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Project Work: April 30

Today, I worked in the library on my Remix a Story project. I present on Monday, so today was about creating every single post so that I can finish up the project and be ready to present by Sunday night.…

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Daily Post: April 27

What I did Today, I continued to work on my remix a story project. I created a real twitter account so that I can include my GIFs and memes, as I couldn’t find a fake twitter generator with that capability.…

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Remix a Story: Peer Evals

I missed the class where we did in-class peer reviews, but luckily so did Lauren Reifsteck, so we swapped projects to get at least one different pair of eyes on it. For Lauren, I showed her my mockup, which is…

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Daily Post: April 20

What I Did 1) I spent today’s class creating the content for my project. This is the bulk of my project and consists of fake tweets, memes, and GIFs. I also tried to find the exact date that USA Hockey…

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Project 4: Mockup Outline

1) What I Did Today, I created a mockup/outline in Google Docs of the content for my remix. I planned out two sections for the story – making the team/before the game and then the game itself. I jotted down…

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Daily Post: Project 4 Timeline

1) What I Did Today, I created a timeline for project four and explored the tools used for creating fake tweets and searched around the internet for a good GIF and Meme generator. For GIFs, seems like it will work.…

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Daily Post: Friday Online

Today outside of class I investigated our next project, the Remix a Story project. What Makes a Good Remix A good remix narrowly tells some story in a visually appealing and easy to understand format. It keeps the linguistic elements…

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