Daily Post: Friday Online

Today outside of class I investigated our next project, the Remix a Story project.

What Makes a Good Remix

A good remix narrowly tells some story in a visually appealing and easy to understand format. It keeps the linguistic elements short, instead allowing the visuals to do most of the story telling.

Good Digital Story 

I thought the Time Magazine/Hunger Games one did a really good job of telling the story. That’s complicated story to tell and obviously they assumed the reader knew a good bit of the background and premise, but they hit on the main characters, showed good visuals, and made the headlines count. The flippable magazine in the Time format was really cool too.

Stories I am Considering

At this point I could definitely change my mind, but I’m considering the story of the Trojan Horse or the epilogue of the final Harry Potter book. I think I am leaning more to the epilogue of the final Harry Potter book, although they already made a movie for it so I’m not sure.