Project 4: Mockup Outline

1) What I Did

Today, I created a mockup/outline in Google Docs of the content for my remix. I planned out two sections for the story – making the team/before the game and then the game itself. I jotted down the general ideas behind each fake tweet I will create and included different types of content I will include (memes, GIFS, an article, retweet, picture, etc). I highlighted the content that would be a GIF in yellow and the content that would be a meme in red.

Link to my mockup/outline –

2)Why I Did It

This will make it easy for me when I go to create the actual fake tweets. I will know exactly what kind of text I want in each tweet and whether I need to add additional content. I’ve planned 22 tweets, which I believe will be enough to fully tell the story. Color coding the GIFs and the memes allows me to easily see how many of each I need to create. Since making the GIFs and memes are the primary risks I am taking with this project, keeping them organized like this will help me as I progress through.