Doug Bowman – Spring 2015 Class Blogs Blogs by Students in the Spring 2015 Sections Thu, 29 Oct 2015 01:12:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Project Work: May 3 Sun, 03 May 2015 20:46:44 +0000 Continue reading

I present my Remix a Story project tomorrow, so I spent tonight in the Math empo finalizing my organization and creating my presentation.

Because I kept my work organized throughout via my mockup, moving the Tweets over in order to my WordPress page was easy. However, I did run into two issues. One, I mistakenly wrote the wrong score on one of the GIFs, but I caught it and went back and made a new one. Second, I figured out that simply having Tweets didn’t provide enough Context for the story, so I decided to include plain text before each Tweet to explain what was happening.

After finishing up my actual project, I created my presentation. I faced a few difficult choices as far as design with the fake Twitter and the real Twitter and also the grainy images from the actual game in the GIFs, so I was sure to include notes about that in my slides so I remembered to touch on it.

Project Work: April 30 Thu, 30 Apr 2015 13:39:05 +0000 Continue reading

Today, I worked in the library on my Remix a Story project. I present on Monday, so today was about creating every single post so that I can finish up the project and be ready to present by Sunday night.

What I Did/Why I Did It

I continued working within my mockup to guide the Tweets I had to create. As I created each Tweet, I would paste it into the appropriate slot on my mockup to continue the organization of my project. This way, once I’m ready to put it online, I will be able to easily transfer it.

I used clips of the Disney movie “Miracle” and highlights from the actual game from YouTube to create Gifs. I used IMGFlip to create the GIFs, which actually turned out to be a pretty easy process. I just had to figure out where in the video I wanted the GIF to start and stop and then it did the clipping and looping for me.

Daily Post: April 27 Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:56:12 +0000 Continue reading

What I did

Today, I continued to work on my remix a story project. I created a real twitter account so that I can include my GIFs and memes, as I couldn’t find a fake twitter generator with that capability. I also completed the SPOT evaluation for the class.

Why I Did It

Creating a real Twitter was necessary because it allows me to include the GIFs and Memes that are the risks I have decided to take with the project. The fake twitter generators never allowed me to attach an image or a GIF file as easily as a real twitter. I still have some GIFs to create and then I need to upload it onto my WordPress, but I am confident I will finish in plenty of time ahead of my presentation date.

Remix a Story: Peer Evals Fri, 24 Apr 2015 10:08:05 +0000 Continue reading

I missed the class where we did in-class peer reviews, but luckily so did Lauren Reifsteck, so we swapped projects to get at least one different pair of eyes on it. For Lauren, I showed her my mockup, which is still in its rough stages with descriptions of content and a few examples of actual pieces I’ve already created. I also showed her the outline of my presentation. I hadn’t thought about including my audience, but I will be sure to do that now after her recommendation.

Lauren brought up the difference she saw between the fake twitter tweets and the tweets that include GIFs and Memes from real twitter. I will need to decide what to do about that, but I think I need both of them.

Daily Post: April 20 Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:59:15 +0000 Continue reading

What I Did

1) I spent today’s class creating the content for my project. This is the bulk of my project and consists of fake tweets, memes, and GIFs. I also tried to find the exact date that USA Hockey hired Herb Brooks, but alas, I came up short in that endeavor.

Why I Did It

1) Obviously creating this content is going to be the bulk of this project. I created tweets using the Fake Twitter Generator tool and memes using One problem I am running into is getting the memes and GIFs onto the fake twitter generator. I will look into other twitter generators to see if they support this. If not, I can easily just make a real Twitter account and use that.

2) I also organized how I’m saving my tweets, memes, and GIFs based on the order they appear. They are saved in a folder in my computer titled “Fake Tweets” and each one begins with a number to correspond to their place in the project. For example, the first tweet is titled “1_Herb Brooks Hired.jpeg” so that I will easily be able to build my project once I get all the content created.

Project 4: Mockup Outline Wed, 15 Apr 2015 15:59:38 +0000 Continue reading

1) What I Did

Today, I created a mockup/outline in Google Docs of the content for my remix. I planned out two sections for the story – making the team/before the game and then the game itself. I jotted down the general ideas behind each fake tweet I will create and included different types of content I will include (memes, GIFS, an article, retweet, picture, etc). I highlighted the content that would be a GIF in yellow and the content that would be a meme in red.

Link to my mockup/outline –

2)Why I Did It

This will make it easy for me when I go to create the actual fake tweets. I will know exactly what kind of text I want in each tweet and whether I need to add additional content. I’ve planned 22 tweets, which I believe will be enough to fully tell the story. Color coding the GIFs and the memes allows me to easily see how many of each I need to create. Since making the GIFs and memes are the primary risks I am taking with this project, keeping them organized like this will help me as I progress through.

Daily Post: Project 4 Timeline Mon, 13 Apr 2015 15:37:17 +0000 Continue reading

1) What I Did

Today, I created a timeline for project four and explored the tools used for creating fake tweets and searched around the internet for a good GIF and Meme generator. For GIFs, seems like it will work.

2) Why I did It

The timeline will allow me to keep on schedule for the rest of this project so that I can have a great project ready to turn in on the due date. The GIF and Meme generator is important because that is the primary risk I am taking with the project. I have never created or used GIFs so finding a simple and functional GIF creator is important.

Wed., April 15 – Mock up – By Wednesday I will have created a very rough outline of the various tweets, gifs, and memes I want to include.

Mon., April 20 – Collect Gifs and Memes – Create and save all GIFs or memes that I intend to use throughout the project.

Wed., April 22 – Rough Draft  – This will be the first edition of my final projects. Fake tweets will be created and all GIFS and Memes will be included. I should be able to get great feedback on this day.

Fri., April 24 – Edits – After hearing peer feedback in class on Wednesday, I will edit my project in accordance with the suggestions. This will begin the final stage of getting my project ready to present and turn in.

Daily Post: Wed., April 8 Wed, 08 Apr 2015 15:54:54 +0000 Continue reading

Today, I selected what story I will use for project 4. I will be using the story of the Miracle on Ice, the 1980’s USA Hockey team that defeated the USSR in the Olympics. I will use the story of the team’s selections, coach Herb Brooks’ famous speech before the game, the game itself, and the call by announcer Al Michaels (“Do You Believe in Miracles? Yes!”!), which is probably the most famous sports call ever. To tell this story, I will be live blogging via tweets the events from the view of Al Michaels. I can include videos and GIFs in the tweets as if he is sitting in the announcer’s box reporting on the game like many of today’s sports reporters do. For sources, I will use the Disney movie “Miracle,” as well as a couple stories from online.


Miracle. Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2004. Film.

Of Miracles and Men. ESPN Films, 2015. Film.

“MIRACLE ON ICE.” MIRACLE ON ICE. Web. 8 Apr. 2015. <;.

“Miracle on Ice.” Story #1. Web. 8 Apr. 2015. <;.

Daily Post: Friday Online Fri, 03 Apr 2015 20:16:18 +0000 Continue reading

Today outside of class I investigated our next project, the Remix a Story project.

What Makes a Good Remix

A good remix narrowly tells some story in a visually appealing and easy to understand format. It keeps the linguistic elements short, instead allowing the visuals to do most of the story telling.

Good Digital Story 

I thought the Time Magazine/Hunger Games one did a really good job of telling the story. That’s complicated story to tell and obviously they assumed the reader knew a good bit of the background and premise, but they hit on the main characters, showed good visuals, and made the headlines count. The flippable magazine in the Time format was really cool too.

Stories I am Considering

At this point I could definitely change my mind, but I’m considering the story of the Trojan Horse or the epilogue of the final Harry Potter book. I think I am leaning more to the epilogue of the final Harry Potter book, although they already made a movie for it so I’m not sure.

Daily Post: Monday Presentations Mon, 30 Mar 2015 15:40:11 +0000 Continue reading

The tool I saw today that I would most likely use is Fetchnotes. I am extremely comfortable with Twitter and have just started trying to keep a to-do list on my computer of tasks I need to complete. Currently, I use stickies, which is decent and gets the job does, but it is basically exactly like writing stuff down on a post-it note. Fetchnotes would allow me to stay organized in a more modern and technologically friendly way. I could use the app to jot down things to do on the go, which I can’t do now via stickies. I do agree that the ability to search other users is odd, because I’m not sure who wants to see notes that other people are jotting down. Who cares what someone’s to-do list is anyway? That seems like the most likely use for this app, but a social networking aspect doesn’t seem necessary.
