Setting This ‘Ish Up


Today I decided to give WordPress a whirl.  I chose my tagline – “the thoughts of a 20-something trying to get through college one day at a time” –  to exemplifly who I am in my life and academic pursuits right now.  To be honest I’m not quite sure what exactly I did because I’m still figuring out where in the world I am on this blog. It’s like Pan’s Labyrinth to me; I’m very lost. Regardless, I chose the title Authentically Kat because that’s what I intend this site to be; my stone-cold thoughts and truths about what I’m doing and experiencing in my English 3844 class. I enjoy assignments like this because, while I consider myself a good writer and capable of lavish, vocabulary-impressive writing, I prefer to spit my thoughts out on paper and see what happens. When I write (and no one is monitoring me or giving me structure), I write how I talk. I ramble; and usually some pretty entertaining – or stupid, sorry in advance – things come out.

Besides a title and tagline I haven’t gotten very far. I (think I) chose the “Motif” theme because I like the powerful message a single image can portray. I don’t like clutter and I thought Motif allowed me to minimize that clutter with its simplistic setup whilst allowing a statement image to be seen.


WordPress is hard.  Well, not hard per-say, but just not what I’m used to. I’m a Weebly girl through and through and WordPress is something that is going to take a little while to get through my head.  I did the things I did because, honestly, they’re the only buttons I was able to find on this dang blog setup. Once I get the chance to explore it a little more I think this could be a pretty interesting blog! Fingers crossed.