Starting the Adventure

What I did?

Today, I created the website domain and tagline.I visited the page of themes, and tried a few out until I decided on one. I wrote down the names for a few other choices in case the one I picked, didn’t work out in the end. I also customized the colors for the site, in order to personalize the whole thing. I saved some photos that I wanted to use within the site, and contemplated which one to use for the first “introductory” page. This page says a lot about the creator, and I want to give a good first impression.

Why I did it?

It took a while to think of a name but after reading over my identity personal statement a few times,I realized that “adventures” should definitely be incorporated. Not only am I starting this site in 2015, but I will be graduating in 2015, which is why those numbers appear in the link. I also really enjoy taking photos wherever I travel, so I collected a few of these photos to use for the next time.