What I Did & Why

What I Did:

I kept my blog pretty simple for now. I am a slow learner with technology, so sticking to the basics was my best choice. I chose the URL and personalized the tagline to “Professional Pizza” to match my URL. Next, I customized the personal settings such as time and first day of the week. I then chose a theme/layout and lastly I chose the colors of the blog.


Why I Did It:

“Professional Pizza” was the second title that came to mind when I was thinking about what to make the name and tagline for my blog. The first thing that popped into my mind was “English Student”…real original.

I wanted something that was semi professional and had to do with my major and what I’m studying—which is why “English Student” was my first reaction. Obviously, I wanted something a little more fun so I tried to use the stream of thought technique to brainstorm. In the end, Professional Pizza was the way to go. The Professional part came from me trying to incorporate my major, which is Professional Writing. The Pizza part is pretty self explanatory. Everyone loves pizza.

Although there were other themes I preferred aesthetically, I chose my current theme because I am new to creating any sort of blog or website as well as blogging blogging, and I thought this one would be the easiest for me to work with in the beginning. I also chose this theme because I thought it would be equally as easy for the reader to work with, browsing and reading.

Lastly, I chose the black background with white text for two simple reasons. The color choices were very limited, and I have been told that white screens use up much more energy than black screens.