What I Did #2

What I did: First, I chose a theme for my site. Then I created several new pages—Projects, Site Info, Interrogate an Interface, Remix a Story, and Completion Report.  I added these pages, along with Home and About to my menu. Then I put Interrogate an Interface, Remix a Story, and Completion Report as subsections in the Projects section. Immediately after, I made two new pages—one named Welcome (with my own image attached) and another named Blog. I used these pages to create a static page for my main page. Then I went to the customize tab and changed my site title.

Why I did it: I chose a very simple and clean theme, which reflects my personality. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to make and use pages. That way, my site would be both organized and reader-friendly. And rather than having my daily posts appear on the home page, I created a static page. This made the Welcome page appear on my main page; while my Blog page holds my daily posts. I also changed the site title from “ENGL 3844 Blog” to “Rachel Prill” to bring in my identity.