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what i did~

today i added some ~cool~ transparent graphics – one to my right sidebar using the widget image feature, and another to my blog title as my title icon. then i used the widgets to add my email as a “contact” and a stat counter (kisses=views). i also spent quite a bit of time editing a picture for my about page – i cropped the picture and turned the picture purple using picmonkey then filtered out myself from the image to turn my body/face back to it’s normal colored. i also lined up the photo width with the width of the text.

why i did it~

i thought the graphics would look cool on my blog and fit my personality to show my humorous side. i also think they’re adorable. as for the widgets, i thought they’d be useful to both people viewing my page (for those who want to contact me through something other than wordpress) and for myself so i can see how popular (or unpopular) my page is! i added the picture of myself so that viewers would be able to put a face to the person behind the screen. plus, i think i look like a fab internet princess in it ~