Class today!

What I did:

Today in class, I organized my site so that it would be more user friendly. At first, I added “Project 1,” “Project 2,” “Project 3,” and so on to my menu, but then I decided to consolidate my menu options so that I just had an “About” page, which features an introduction to my blog and my online identity, a “Blog” page which is what you’re reading now, and a “Projects” menu that will drop down and allow you to click on the different projects we will be working on this semester to choose which one you would like to look at.

Why I did it:

I thought that by consolidating my posts into more specific categories rather than lots of small ones, I would eliminate clutter on my site and make it more user friendly. I also added categories to my posts so that users looking at my site will be able to quickly learn what each posts correlates to. Finally, I added tag words to go along with my posts, like “online identity,” “writing and digital media” and “Virginia Tech” to make my posts more search engine-friendly. I also added my online identity description to my about page because I felt like it would help site visitors understand who I am online.