Exploring WordPress

What did I do?

Today I mainly spent time exploring WordPress and its features because this is my first blog so I’m just trying to familiarize myself with it as best as I can. I changed some colors on my dashboard and explored more themes as well although I still have not decided on one. I’m searching for some pictures to upload on to my blog to help it become more aesthetically pleasing. The “tools” feature was something else I wanted to become familiar with and how to most efficiently upload pictures and post and find out what other tools WordPress offers.


In my personal experience I’ve realized that I learn better and retain more information and information detail by going through things and trying them out myself rather than just being told what to do. I will comprehend information without a problem if I understand why something is being done instead of simply being shown the steps. Today, I wanted to go through WordPress and start clicking on things to find out some of the things it can do and the resources that it has so I can figure it out quickly and most efficiently for my learning techniques.