Multimedia Dig


  1. Naturebox Dutch Cocoa Sun-Crunch-V, S, L
  2. Naturebox Sea Salt Sun-Crunch-V, S, L
  3. Spider-man folder-V, S, G, L
  4. VT notepad-V, S, L
  5. Writer/Designer-V, S, L
  6. Peace-sign wallet-V, S
  7. Mineral Power-V, S, L
  8. Polka dot umbrella-V, S, G
  9. Laptop case-V, S, L
  10. Three-ring binder- V

None of my items had all five of the modes, although the Spider-man folder had every mode except aural. All of the items had a visual mode, and all the items except for the three-ring binder had a spacial mode. All objects communicate in some way to people, and most of them have a visual aspect. The five modes enhance communication and help people receive more understanding.