Multimodal Dig: What The Heck Do I Carry With Me?


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  1. Water Bottle (Spatial, Gestural)
  2. Thumb Drive (Linguistic)
  3. “Communication and Sport” Textbook (Linguistic)
  4. Chapstick (Visual, Linguistic)
  5. Crab-Claw Ring (Visual, Spatial)
  6. Wallet (Linguistic, Visual)
  7. Recreational Sports Injury Report Form (Linguistic)
  8. Pi Beta Phi Sorority Lettered Sweatshirt (Visual, Linguistic)
  9. Milano Cookies (Linguistic, Visual, Spatial)
  10. “When Life Gives You Lemons” Painted Canvas (Visual, Spatial)

I had a vary large array of various items. None of them met all five of the modes of communication; however, the Milano Cookies received a 3/5. I had no item what was Aural (sound) but almost all of the 10 items were Linguistic. Because of the item variety there were not a lot of patterns in the multimodal codes. I did notice that almost every one that was Linguistic was also Visual. These two seem to go hand-in-hand because to have an intriguing, effective linguistic message, the visuals must be well thought out.

The items that were the most different from one another were the crab-claw ring and the thumb drive. They had nothing in common except for their relative size. The most similar items were the injury report form and the sports textbook because they were set up visually the same because they are both textually based documents.