Multimodal Inventory

  1. Instagram profiles from the app on my tablet (V, L, S, G, sometimes A)
  2. Evernote app on my laptop (S, L, V)
  3. Spotify app on my phone (A, V, L, G, S)
  4. Agenda/planner (S, V, L)
  5. Hokie passport (V, L, G, S)
  6. Vcu ID (V, L, G, S)
  7. License (V, L, G, S)
  8. Labeled pens/pencils/markers (V&L)
  9. Packs of gum (V&L)
  10. Individual prescription contact packs (V&L)
  11. Chapstick (V&L)
  12. “The Essentials of Technical Communication” textbook (V, L, S)
  13. Calendar of service projects (S, L, V)
  14. The flyers for a speaker coming to Tech that I never hung up (V, L, S, G)

All 5 modes:
Instagram and Spotify both use all 5 modes of communication

Similar types of texts and patterns:
Besides Chapstick and the labeled pens/pencils/markers, which both had a similar spatial layout of simple colors spanning the item and a horizontal label directly in the middle, all other items were all arranged very differently.
Even the two types of calendars are different–the planner’s days of the week are arranged in a square chart, while the service project calendar of events events are in a listed and dated format.

Most different texts:
I think the pens/pencils/markers are the most different from any of the other texts because they are the most simple. Especially with things as detailed as my textbook which has all different fonts, colors and shapes. Spotify is also very detailed with a lot of different texts going on, which greatly varies from the simple pens/pencils/markers.