Multimodal Texts Dig

Multimodal Texts

1. Snapchat Application on iPhone: L, V, A, G, S

2. Camelbak Water Bottle: L, V, A, S

3. Headphones: A, L

4.Instagram Application on iPhone: A, V, L, S, G

5. Writing Center Sign: L, V, S, G

6. Pencil: V, L, S, A

7. Napkin: V, S

8. Desk Phone: A, V

9. Leather Chair: V, S

10. Umbrella: V, A

11. Sunglasses: V, L

12. Swiss Army Knife: V, S, A, L

13. Vince Camuto handheld mirror: V, S, A, L

14. Quarter: V, L, S, G

15. Wallet: V, A


The only multimodal texts that I had were the Snapchat and Instagram applications on my iPhone, this is probably because they include a video aspects, which adds the gestural mode. One patter that I found was that the visual mode is the most present and that many texts have an aural mode that you don’t really think about (such as the sound when I snap my wallet together). I had a very wide array of texts – everything from mobile applications to napkins, so they were created in different time periods. A lot of the modes are simply visual, such as how text is arranged or what color an item is, while other modes are more about how you use them, such as the gestural mode in a video or the aural mode as an affordance of shutting or opening etc.

Most unusual find:

The Napkin – it is simply visual but because it is a stack of napkin the spatial mode also comes into play with how they are arranged on top of each other.
