Slowly But Surely

What I Did

Most of what I worked on today was inside my head. I read a lot about how to create an about page and looked at some examples which helped to get my creative juices flowing. Since I had already created an about tab, or what I am calling, a dancer’s bio, I thought I was one step ahead. I realized I could add a lot more when looking through the examples, many of which provided profile pictures, YouTube links, and other quirky things to make their sites unique. I learned that the about tab should be more about the reader than the author. I want my readers to be entertained while reading and also understand the reasoning behind what I post based on their general knowledge about me learned from the bio tab. I did some thinking about who my audience was also. While I wanted to share distinct facts about myself in this about page, I also know that this isn’t necessarily the page to do so because it is more professionally focused. I’m constantly performing though.

Why I Did It

I needed this time to think about and evaluate my blog. I began to think I was following down the path to a cookie cutter blog and that is not what I want. I want my blog to just feel right and if it takes a lot of revision and reworking, I’m ok with that. I pondered over a bold opening statement that I wanted to start my about page but I couldn’t put my finger on one that I really, really liked. I want this to grab the attention of the readers and make them intrigued about who I am and why I am writing a blog. That is going to be the task on focus on next. Even though this blog is for a class, I still want it to be authentic and engaging, although I know it will never match the same level of excitement as a study abroad blog, food blog, etc.

“Don’t look at your feet to see if you’re doing it right, just dance.”

-Anne Lamott