Peer Review


What I Heard:

When talking with Miranda about my site, she said she really liked the simplicity of my theme, which was good to hear because that was a big reason as to why I chose the theme. She suggested I personalize some of the included parts of the theme (such as the “leave a reply” response) and include some widgets. She also said she liked the layout of my about page and how the text wraps around my photo. I also noticed that my pages were listed in an odd order, so I would like to find a way to rearrange those.

What I Need To Do:

I need to do some personalization of my site. To me, this includes adding some widgets to the bottom, like Miranda suggested, change some of the texts that come with the theme, and add my contact info somewhere on the page. I also need to figure out how to rearrange the page titles so they are in an order that makes more sense. I need to find ways to personalize my blog more, I think, rather than solely relying on the theme.