What Caroline told me:
Caroline said she liked the clean look to my blog post and how the pink in my theme tied together with the pink in my header photo. She suggested that I give my online identity project its own section under the projects tab, which was something I had been going back and forth about for a while. She said she liked how I didn’t have all the widgets on the side to clutter my page, and also liked how I gave site visitors the ability to leave comments. Caroline also suggested that I add a little more detail to my colophon.
What I’m doing with her feedback:
I decided to make another subheading for my online identity under the projects tab, and I moved the explanation for my online identity project under that section. I also went back and added a little more detail to my colophon. I’m also planning on re-reading all my blog posts to make sure they’re all grammatically correct and make sense. I also might try to go back through and add more pictures to make my posts a little bit more visually appealing.