
I am not a fan of auto correct. I have had auto correct turned off on my phone for a very long time.

Freshman year of high school, I got in a minor car accident. After it occurred, I texted my mother that I gotten in a wreck. My phone’s battery was low so my phone died instantly after sending the text.

A half hour went by and I had still had not heard from my mother. The police were done asking questions so I went home as soon as I was able to leave the scene. When I got home my mother was sitting on the couch.

I asked her why she had not come help me and she said she didn’t understand the message. When she showed me the phone, I understood why she had’t come. Autocorrect had change my message from “I got in a wreck at work” to “I got in a week at work“. Because of autocorrect, she did not realize there was a problem and couldn’t help me. She had thought it meant they had scheduled me to work a full week at work.

Autocorrect can be helpful sometimes, but overall I am more content typing out my full message on my own.