Autocorrect Diaries

Often i send my best friends ridiculous text messages that would seem odd to outsiders reading them, but they include inside jokes that others just wouldn’t understand. In high school, a song came out called “Got Money” by Lil Wayne and it became our friendship anthem. We would constantly sing it in person, and text the song lyrics in our group message. The first line in the chorus is “If you Got money (yeah), And you know it, Take it out your pocket and show it (then), Throw it (fly), This a way (fly)
That’a way (fly)”. On multiple occasions i would send messages that read “IF YOU GOT MONEYYYYY…” and then one of my friends would respond “And you know it…” and so on until we texted all the lyrics of the song. Anyway, i guess we did this so often that to this day, when i type the word “money” on my iPhone, the autocorrect replaces it with “MONEYYYYY”. Which can be embarrassing when discussing finances with a parent, but luckily i’ve been able to catch it before i send the message. The constraints to this tool is that i haven’t wanted to spell money that way since 10th grade but time after time it continues to correct the correct spelling. In other situations auto correct has multiple affordances such as sloppy/quick texting or words that i am simply unable to spell, but in this case it is definitely a constraint to my written texts.