end autocorrect 2k15

i hate to say it, but if i were to ever become a weird tech-y genius or the next ceo to apple if i ever assassinate the current one, i would put an end to autocorrect. if you haven’t noticed already, i’m not a fan of capitalization. maybe it’s because i romanticize e.e. cummings way too much or maybe it’s because pressing that extra -shift- every so often is somehow enough to slightly annoy me. usually, i don’t even type like this – this is me trying to be more professional. i usually type as simple as possible; my yours become urs, my “really”s and “very”s turn into “rly” and “v.” the word and? doesn’t exist. n does. or nd. or these lovely symbols: &, +, /. so when i’m using something that insists on autocorrect? i go crazy.

when i’m writing [poetry], i type as i do now. full words, but all lowercase. As a student turning in many English papers, I must type like this: properly, Capitalized, full-worded. this results in me turning my auto-capitalize on and off far too often on microsoft word. my phone’s autocorrect is completely turned off–the way i like it.

as a very intense anti-capitalist, anti-oppressive, and slightly anarcha activist, i have possibly too extreme feelings on the entire notion of “correct english.” i think the concept of “grammatical correctness” is rooted in both classism and racism. those who fail to get the education or upbringing to achieve our standard of “correctness” get shamed. learning english as a second or third language as you leave your culture behind to assimilate to ours? people are shamed: what an idiot! go back to your own country! (unless you’re something white like french or german and you get told how great it is you’re learning english, how cute your accent is! indian, chinese? all you get is mocked as a stand up joke and shitty restaurant service). come from an area where AAVE is commonly accepted? people get shamed for that, called uneducated and told no one understands you even though it’s not hard to pick up on what’s being said — after all, you’re entire community is having no problem.

that being said, autocorrect can “help” people in those positions be accepted…. just as long as they change who they are.

