Feb. 23 – Autocorrect

Last semester, my friends and I set up a reservation for hibachi at Turner’s Place. For a reservation of 10 people, this takes a lot of coordination to determine an appropriate time for 10 people to be available. For some reason, the word hibachi autocorrects on my phone to jibachi. My phone autocorrects “hahaha” to “jahaha” so perhaps it has an affinity for j’s or something. Anyway, multiple times throughout our conversation hibachi was autocorrected to jibachi, which wasn’t too bad because people could figure out what I was trying to say, but it was still quite annoying.

I ended up tweeting at Apple asking why hibachi autocorrected to jibachi. I knew Apple wouldn’t respond but I was hoping to see if anyone else had experienced the same autocorrect issue. My tweet got nine favorites, so perhaps others had experienced the same issue.