What I Chose and Why I Chose It

The application that I decided to go with was Coggle, an interactive online note taking app. I didn’t choose the application out of easiness or usability but simply because it seemed like it would be a useful tool for me to utilize in classes. There are a lot of cases where I’m note taking with a group before we take a project and we go to put our ideas together afterwards and frankly, all we end up having is a jumbled mess of duplicated notes that are completely unorganized. On one hand, I could do what most teachers recommend and turn to using a Google document and then just run with it from there so that the notes are all in one place. However, unless I’m working with other English majors I tend to find that most documents come out bland and disorganized when a bunch of people try to coordinate on one document.

Enter Coggle. This application seems to have some handiness that was built to compliment Google docs users by copying a lot of the usability features. The application blends the useful group sharing/group tracking features of Google documents and works with your Google account. The easy to use color coding system and the thought-web design of the notes that it helps you take is very user friendly, and great for collaborative or even individual work.