3/2/15- Today we reviewed past interface projects to look at strengths and weaknesses. The project that my group looked at gave me a great insight to presentation. The student did a fantastic job at explaining her tool to an audience who had never heard of it. She was clear, thorough, and direct. However, her organization and presentation of the project where not thought out in terms of audience. She had three sub-pages to her project page to break the material up which was fantastic. However, by not highlighting this tactic she left me the reader confused to where her project was. The earlier group never even saw the tabs.
This showed me to take a step back on what you are working on and have an outside source come in to give feedback. We often spend so much time with our work that we grow too familiar with it to the point where self-improvement is hard as we think it is already an A. I am going to focus on making my project layout usable and clear to my audience. I want to have input on the content and organization from a friend outside of the class to make sure every reader will understand.