Lessons Learned from the Video Star Verdict

Today, a group of us assessed a project that analyzes the web interface Video Star Verdict. Here is the link to the project: https://sites.google.com/a/vt.edu/video-star-interrogating-the-interface/

It is evident that in this project’s essay the author doesn’t assume the reader has a prior knowledge about the interface. She includes all types of detailed information on how the tool operates. The fact that the author includes web links that leads readers to different sites such as the Writing & Digital Media course page and different App Websites is very effective. This is something I would certainly apply in my own project. Also, the way the author chronologically labeled the tabs ( Home, background, First Impressions) helps readers move step by step without being bombarded with too much information all at once. Although it has minor constraints, I would consider this project to be one of the exemplary ones.