50 minutes spent on Project 3 outside of class:
What I Did:
I explored the MindMup website online using my laptop, connected my Google Drive account with MindMup, took notes on different things I found in creating maps on the site and saved the relevant screenshots to my computer for later use, reviewed terms from the textbook (emphasis, contrast, alignment, etc.), started my web essay outline in a Word document, and downloaded the Apple app of MindMup to my iPhone.
Why I Did It:
I connected the Google Drive to enable sharing of private maps so I can play around with the different options the application offers. I took notes while exploring the website so I could go ahead and include those items in the affordances and constraints for my web essay outline. I took the screenshots so I can explain those advantages and disadvantages better in the final stages of the project. I reviewed the terms associated with rhetorical situation, design choices, and modes of communication from the textbook so I would have a better idea of what to look for in the application. I started the web essay outline in a Word Document because I could have it pulled up right next to my internet browser on the same screen and take notes as I was exploring. I used the headings of the different sections for the main points in my outline. I got the MindMup app on my iPhone to explore that a bit and see what the major differences were from the online version. I wanted to see if any features were offered in one form and not the other.