Spring Break online workshop

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What I did?
Over Spring Break, I browsed through the tool, created a log-in and designed a few of my own images as examples, in order to understand the tool as a whole. I screen shotted many of my actions, in order to use those in my future presentation. After I played around for a while, I filled out the analysis document, and began my powerpoint presentation.

Why I did it?
I had not fully understood the capabilities of the tool, and had assumed it only allowed for links to specific websites to be implemented into the image. Instead, multiple photos, videos, etc. can be added onto images, and then shared through social media, e-mails, or other forms of communication. I edited an image of Torg Bridge and added VT links on top of it, so when people scroll over the image, they can quickly branch off to the VT homepage, or Torg Bridge site. I wanted to get a head start on the presentation, and pick out what I’d be using to present, so I began my powerpoint. I had created a google site with information on “ThingLink” but after discussing with Professor Gardner, I realized, a powerpoint would be a more succinct way of presenting the info. I plan to write up (and finish) my web essay this week, it should be easy enough, as I have drafted it by answering the document’s questions (as shown above).