A tragic day….

Well, today was a tragic day. During class, I attempted to do more work on Heganoo for project 3. I was beyond frustrated with the site, and could have probably done an entire presentation with its flaws, but the site blocked me from doing anything else on it without signing up and paying for premium access. I decided this wasn’t worth it, and I didn’t want to cop out and do a 5-minute presentation of how annoyed I was about this, so I decided to pick a new interface. I went back to the list of possible interfaces we had to choose from and went with my number two choice from the get go, which is called “When In Time.” I already found this site to be much more user friendly, and I started making a pretty cool timeline about my life during class to test out some different features and to begin to get a good feel of what some of the affordances and constraints are. I’m a little bit behind on the schedule I made for how I will complete this project on time, so between now and class on Wednesday, I am planning on completing the writer/designer analysis questions and playing around with the site a little bit more. I want to come to class on Wednesday with a really good grasp for how this interface works and how I want to present it to the class. Wish me luck!