March 16

What I Did

Today I went to my wordpress site and created a new menu for this project. I added all subpages needed to split up my project and make it easily navigational. These pages included: Blog posts, overview, rhetorical situation, design, affordances, constraints, and conclusion in that order.

I also went through the Meograph website and took a good amount of screenshots to use for my writing. I took too many, even things that I wouldn’t think I would need to use.

Why I Did it

I created the sub-menu for two reasons:

1. The teacher told us too

2. It makes it much more easy for both me to split up the essay portion of the project, and for the reader to navigate through the project and pick and choose what they want to know about the website.

I took such a large amount of screenshots because, like video, you always want to have more than you need. This saves time when creating the final project and also makes it easier when you many have choices of what to choose from visually.