Project 3 progress- What I Did & Why

What I Did:
Today I began the work for my project by looking over the notes I had taken over break while exploring the basics and features of Fetchnotes.


I then went through the notes pictured above and starred the positive things, or what I may consider affordances, and circled notes that could be considered constraints.

I wrote out a list and took notes in Evernotes about the affordances and constraints and uploaded that to my Fetchnotes account as an attachment.

I then explored a little more Fetchnotes looked over my notes as well, to figure out the basic functionality, how the app controls or influences my/others interactions with it, design choices, affordances & constraints.

I then created a general outline for how I will complete my web essay.

Why I Did It:

I began by looking over my notes from a few days ago, as a way to review what I already had, and determine what I still needed to figure out about Fetchnotes to use for my project.

I highlighted the positive and negative features I had noticed when taking the notes, and organized them into a list on Evernote along with more affordances and constraints I determined today, to use to complete that aspect of my project later.

The other notes I took today about the how the app controls or influences my/others interactions with it and design choices I did not upload from Evernote to Fetchnotes because the ideas were not well developed, and unnecessary to include on my Fetchnotes account as I do not want to clutter my feed with posts that will not be of use.

I created my general outline for my web essay as a way to stay on track with the project schedule I uploaded to my WordPress a few days ago.