What I did today!

What I did:

Today in class I continued to brainstorm for project 3. I compiled a list of some of the affordances and constraints for my interface and then began working on the writer/designer analysis questions. I realized that I need to start putting more time outside of class into working on this project, so I wrote down in my planner a mini-schedule that branched off the one I made the other day of things I need to get done for this assignment before Friday.

Why I did it:

I’m still trying to figure out my new interface and come up with what ideas I want to touch on in my five minute presentation. I used the writer/designer analysis questions to try to narrow my thoughts, which are kind of all over the place right now, into more concise topics that will hopefully make my presentation more organized. I made another, more detailed schedule because the schedule I blogged about earlier in this course got thrown off a little bit when I had to change my interface and I’m going to need to put more time into working on this outside of class in order to produce exemplary work.