3/20/15: Peer Review of Interrogate an Interface

What I Heard In Peer Review

My peer review went very well and I got some productive feedback. I had Grace read through and edit my essay, in addition to viewing the first half of my Prezi presentation. I suggested to Grace that I really wanted my peer review to focus on finding any grammar and technical errors in my essay as well as looking at my presentation slides for word choice and if they followed the 1-1-5 strategy of organization.

Grace was a good peer review partner, and found some mistakes in my grammar that I had missed. She pointed out a couple places in my essay where I needed to check if I was using present or past tense. Additionally, she helped me focus my presentation slides and word choice to make them easier for an audience to understand. The suggestions she gave me on the first half of my Prezi presentation will help me a lot as I move forward to finish off the slides.

What I Need To Do

  • Fix grammar/mechanics errors throughout essay. Check for present vs. past tense mistakes.
  • Finish Prezi presentation
    • Focus on word choice for slides
    • Keep slides short and sweet