Exploring Other Tools- Thing Link

I think that the tool Thing Link was very interesting because you can embed videos and links on pictures which makes them interactive. You can be very creative with this tool and take it any direction. I liked the example she provided with Torgerson Bridge and how she link to the VT website and the bridge hours.

I could see myself using this tool to add a little interest to my blog. I could also create an advertising tool for my dance company. I could have picture of a flyer with the 5 H’s and a W and link each part to a specific website. For instance, for “Where” I could link it to the building info about Squires or the stage more specifically. I could also embed the promo videos and music to make it more catchy.

It seems simple enough to navigate which is always a plus!

“Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made.”
―Ted Shawn