Today began the first round of presentations. Of the interfaces seen today, most did not appeal to me at all. That said, the interface appeared to have some merit: essentially, the interface allows a user to annotate a video with notes. More than that, the notes are time-stamped to the corresponding part of the video, so jumping between sections to review is incredibly easy. Videonotes might not be ideal for normal classes, but if you had an online class or needed to study or reference a video for a project, this interface could be quite useful for that.
The site is associated with google, so if you are logged into a google account you have access to the interface. Compared to traditional video note taking, this seems to be much more streamlined. I can recall handwriting time-stamps into my notebook when researching videos for a presentation. With that, it was rather time consuming to both find where something was in a video and to pull it up. With videonotes, both of these problems are eliminated.