Online Working 3/25

Checklist Observations

Going through the checklist brought some good news: I’m finished with everything listed!  Because I presented on Monday, I wanted to make sure I had thoroughly examined every aspect of my interface.  I already wrote about all of the areas of analysis that need to be covered, and I included screenshots and clear navigation.  I already embedded my presentation onto my site for my presentation on Monday.

What I Did

I spent time today proofreading my web essay.  I also learned how to embed an auidoBoom clip onto my own WordPress site, which I did in the affordances section of my progress.

Why I Did It

My project is almost complete, and proofreading is one of the last steps before I can turn it in.  I wanted to make sure everything is correct and clear.  Adding the audio clip makes my web essay more engaging and allows readers to see an actual clip from the site I am discussing.