Today instead of having class, I spent time working on my interface project at home. I am confident that I have finished writing my web essay after going down the checklist a few times to cross everything off the list, but what I’m mostly worried about is my presentation. I have a lot of things I want to say and am worried about not having enough time to say it all or forgetting to say something. Because of the 1/1/15 method, there isn’t a lot of room to put words on the screen as reminders of what to say, so I’m trying to do that with pictures. I’ve still be messing around with my interface, WhenInTime, and have decided to try to embed my practice timeline onto this post for fun, and since I will talk about its sharing capabilities but haven’t actually tried sharing a timeline yet. Here it is–
Hm….so I copied the embed code expecting there to be some kind of preview or something on my clog of some sort, but all it shows is the URL, which is ugly. I’d rather just make a hyperlink to the URL my interface gave me instead of using the embed code. That looks a lot nicer.
Before Friday, I will solidify my presentation so that I feel confident going in front of the class and read over my web essay one more time to make sure I’ve hit everything and to make sure everything makes sense.