Today we listened to multiple presentations, and I thought I could see myself using any of the tools. I really enjoyed “Trello”, the tool that Natalie presented. Because I’m so concerned about organization on my own, I think it would be neat to be able to drag and “accomplish” certain goals, rather than erase and re write them down on paper. I’m a visual learning person, so it’s nice to view different agendas online. When I have a project to develop, it’s important to break up the project into different sections so it’s not as overwhelming. By using “Trello”, I can express what I still need to do, and what I have accomplished. I could use this for projects at home (crafts, etc) or exercise goals, or projects in school. There are many different options that Trello can aid in.
As I don’t take history classes, or have an interest in the subject, I probably wouldn’t use a tool that deals with history or geography. It was interesting to hear the presentations regarding these tools nonetheless.