Double the Presentation Reflection, Double the Fun

Of the presentations I viewed over the past two class periods, I found Text 2 Mind Map and Fetchnotes most interesting.

Text 2 Mind Map was intriguing to me because I am huge on brain storming and organizing. I feel like this interface would allow for me to organize my thoughts in a logical way, especially with its flow chart capabilities, and also allow for me to a way to assign either time sensitivity or importance due to the color coding options. Additionally, I am famous for forgetting my passwords, so the timeline recovery options for this interface would be perfect. I feel that this interface would also be great to use due to its simplicity.

Fetchnotes was interesting to me because I am all about note taking. I keep a notepad with me majority of the time to jot down my thoughts, and when I’m without a pen and paper, I’m making notes in my phone. What I found most useful about this interface based on the presentation was the collaborative capabilities and the ability to attach things, such as media, to each note. I’ve be a part of a number of group projects using google docs, which I enjoy strictly for creating joint documents, and feel like this is a great alternative especially for the brainstorming process. It would allow for group members to collaborate more easily and the format would also allow for segmentation so that no note, or idea, would get lost among the others.