Project 4 examples

What makes a good remix?
Based on the assignment details and project examples, I think creativity is a huge part of what makes a good remix. Remixing stories in a way that relates to modern life and technology is also a strong technique. Adding modern-day-college-student elements to the fictional stories and classics set in a different time, such as the remixed stories that added tweets and PostSecret, were the most interesting to me because they were relatable and therefore a little more easy to follow.

What makes a good digital story?
The “Chamber of PostSecrets” project was by far the project I felt did the best job, and the one I most enjoyed. I think visuals as well as the way the story moves are the most important part of a digital story. Although more words are clearly necessary since it is telling the story, I think keeping in mind the 1/1/5 organizational strategy for presentations would be helpful for this project. “Chamber of PostSecrets” was a smooth read with the majority visual elements and limiting the linguistic mode of communication. This type of organization was a much more pleasant and easy read, than projects that were text heavy such as “The Once Upon a Times.”

I think a set up with easy movement, such as a video or a project you can simply scroll/move through (like “Chamber of PostSecrets,” Prezis, and the Hunger Games magazine), is a crucial part to creating a good digital story. And although the only story that did not fall into what the presentational form with easy scrolling was “The Once Upon a Times” as a newspaper, I think some projects still did not accomplish easy movement. Although “Around the World in 80 Days” is a prezi, it felt overwhelming and difficult to navigate because of the large amount of arrows and graphics laid out on a map background for each slide.
Simplicity, I believe, is an important factor to what makes a good digital story.

Stories I am considering?
1. The Princess and the Pea
2. Cat and the Hat
3. Green Eggs and Ham
These are 3 stories I am considering remixing because I want to do a story that I am familiar with, but that I also feel hasn’t already been over-used. I think these stories are simple enough to remix without having too many plot line elements to consider, but are also interesting for everyone!