- What makes a good remix
A good remix uses an existing story and transforms the telling of the story, not necessarily the outcome. A remix can take parts of other stories, like characters, and use them in the re-telling, but the basic elements of the original story must remain intact enough for a reader to understand that it is actually a remix. For this project, the multimodal tool used should be different from the original one, and it should contribute to the re-telling. For example, if I used a video to remix a story, the fact that I’m using a video should be a part of the story. My character could be making a video blog, or sending a video to a friend.
- What makes a good digital story
I thought the “Chamber of PostSecrets” was the best example of a good digital story. There is a clear reason for the technology, (it’s supposed to be an anonymous site where people submit their secrets), there are parts of the story that weren’t actually from the book, but they make sense within the project, and it uses several different modes of communication.
- Stories I am considering
I was thinking about doing Pride and Prejudice, The Princess and the Pea, or something else, I’m not quite sure yet. I was thinking Pride and Prejudice because I’ve read it so many times and I know the story so well. And I’ve always loved The Princess and the Pea, so I thought that would be a good option. I could also do the story of Esther, since I’ve recently studied that. I’m worried that Pride and Prejudice will be too long, but it’s one of my favorite books, so I would really like to try and remix it.
Filed under: Remix a Story