Starting the Remix Project

What makes a good remix: I liked how a lot of the project brought in social networking, as that is very common in this day and age. I think that gives all the stories a good twist, and makes them relatable to our generation. I also liked the ones that were visually dynamic and unexpected. I liked the projects that surprised me or that created a good overall theme. Normally these themes implied a different take on the story, like looking at the story from a different character or groups’ perspective.

What makes a good digital story: I really enjoyed the little red riding wanted story, as well as the hunger games one and the beauty and the beast one. I thought they all did a good job to take a different perspective on a story, and to implement modern aspects of our society to them. I didn’t seem to like the prezi ones as I felt that they were not as creatively presented. That said, I liked the little red riding one because I felt that it didn’t do the typical prezi presentation; the person did it in a more creative way to make it look like a wanted board, and I liked that. They did have a lot of linguistic modes which could have been turned into visual instead. I liked how different the hunger games one was, because it used a different program and medium to create an extremely interesting tabloid, which was appropriate for the Hunger Games. Finally, I liked the beauty and the beast one because I liked how the author created their own world for the characters in the form of Facebook, and I think it turned out really well and interesting.

Stories I’m considering: I haven’t been able to think of many stories that I could consider, so brainstorming ideas took a long time for me. I like these stories but I am not sure how I will remix them yet. I came up with the following stories I might be able to remix:

  • The Little Mermaid
    • Love letters, mixed tapes, videos, pictures
    • Witch point of view diary
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    • Modern day classroom, without magic maybe
    • Facebook
    • Kreacher point of view
  • Lady and the Tramp
    • Phone conversations about dogs from owners
    • News Article written by dogs, discusses lady and tramp scandal
  • Peter Pan
    • Captain Hook point of view
    • Lost Boy News Article
    • Other creative outlet