Borrowers: Remix Project

I have decided that I want to write my remix project on The Borrowers, a classic novel published in 1952 by Mary Norton. Growing us as a child, I greatly enjoyed this story. I loved the concept that there were little people hiding in the walls and ‘borrowing’ things from us. In this story, I would twist it around a bit and focus more on the point of view of the father, Mr Driver. In the books, he is the bad guy that tries to kill the borrowers. As The Borrowers is a long book series, I am mostly focusing on the specific end climax with the father trying to find the borrowers and kill them.

I want to look from his point of view and reflect his investigation into the disappearing items. I want to look at how he may think the boy that befriends the borrowers may be insane, and that the boy is just talking to himself and convinced that little people live in the walls. I think this would be an interesting idea.

I will likely use a medium that allows me to show the father’s online investigation as he documents all the missing things, what could be possible causes. It would be his more online diary reflecting a picture of a pin that was stolen, or a picture of a shoe he finds. It could start with him thinking the boy is crazy, and writing down his fears about that, and then expand on his future findings.

My main sources would be:

The Borrowers by Mary Norton (1953)

The Borrowers (1997) (movie)  directed by Peter Hewitt