Remix A Story Focus

The story I have chosen to focus on for project 4 is The Star Spangled Banner. Growing up I was OBSESSED with American History. I made my grandpa, a former teacher quiz me on history questions on a regular basis, and I also insisted on being Martha Washington for halloween (see photo below).


I decided to focus on this story because it is one of the most widely recognized pieces of American history that is still relevant today, as it is sung before every single sporting event and on most national holidays. I also chose to focus on this because it is a short piece of work and because the stories of its composition differ which would in turn give me a bit more to talk about.

I want to use a video diary or vlog like genre to remix the story. Since YouTube is a very popular and modern medium, I feel like it is a fun way to modernize and put a new spin on a classic. Essentially, Francis Scott Key (or Franny1814 on YouTube) will first an foremost be a girl. She will recount the night she wrote the anthem, giving us the real story, and will then give her commentary on famous performances of the anthem since then. Since Franny was indeed a lawyer and author/poet, you can only image how passionate she gets about this topic.

Here are some citations/sources I’ve used thus far to garner information on both Francis Scott Key and The Star Spangled Banner: