Project 4 Proposal

My Story

For project 4, Remix a Story, I am choosing to remix one of the main plots of the tv show Friends.

Since Friends is 10 seasons long, it would be nearly impossible for me to remix the entire show. Therefore, I am focusing my remix on the story of Ross and Rachel, one of the main couples that the show is centered around.

Genre/Format of the Remix

I would like to use memes and other graphics like gifs to illustrate the history and timeline of Ross and Rachel’s relationship. I really like the idea of a photo essay with cool captions, such as memes and gifs. I am still not entirely sure of the format for my remix, but I would definitely like to use photos to illustrate their story. I just need to find an especially creative way to show the timeline and major events that happen throughout their history as friends and as significant others. I am definitely going to compile a list of funny quotes that Ross and Rachel say throughout the show to illustrate the different stages of their relationship and the dynamic that they share.

Bibliographical Citations

I googled “timeline of Ross and Rachel” and one of the results that came up was actually a prezi that someone created called, “timeline of Ross Geller and Rachel Green” which is pretty cool and I will definitely look to for inspiration.

Another source that I have found is a fan page on which a fan of the show posted their interpretation of Ross and Rachel’s history and relationship. I will use this for a little more guidance on some of the details I want to include.

A third source I will use is wikipedia, because there are several articles on wikipedia that provide in depth analysis of Ross and Rachel’s relationship, as the show went on for 10 years and became an icon that helped to define a generation of tv.


I am still working through the details of what my remix project will entail, but I have a good idea of what I am focusing on, I just need to iron out the format details of how I am going to present the remix.