Remix Review


What makes a good remix

I think a good remix is made through finding an innovative way to change a story enough to make it interesting without removing the beloved aspect that makes it unrecognizable. I should be able to recognize the story and know the next step but be surprised with how it is presented when I flip the page. Other great remixes leave the story in it’s original form but create more of it. For example, the Time Magazine devoted to the Hunger Games made the story seem real and gave the backdrop and detail for the reader to believe the story was a part of their life.

What makes a good digital story

Out of the 12 examples the best in my eyes was “What Happened to Little Red Ridding Hood?” I like how this digital story was creative by honing in on one aspect of the plot, red riding hood’s disappearance, to tell the entire story. By using a prezi the story was able to incorporate many different digital aspects as “evidence” such as Instagram and twitter. The use of the sticky note even made this seem more like a cork board case. I think this can be directly compared against the Beauty and the Beast Facebook. That was also an innovative digital strategy that made the same attempt to utilize more than one digital device on one project. Beauty and the Beast was not as polished of a look and therefore discouraged me from wanting to look into the project more. Riding hood also did a better job at connecting the social media devices to the overall tool as evidence of the story whereas Beauty and the Beast used the tools as the only story telling.

Stories I am considering

I am interested in creating a story through a digital scrapbook or a blog site. I like focusing on the written word rather than intense drawings. I am thinking of using my favorite classic stories such as Little Women and Sherlock Holmes. With Sherlock I would want to do police write ups on his cases or maybe even make News clippings on a website to show his work as you would find detectives bulletin boards.

Little Women would be fun to modernize through a blog. I could see doing Jo’s blog where her original story is brought to 2015. I would make her interests demonstrate the feminist movement and her dad’s service in the middle east as opposed to the Civil War. Since the primary other characters are her three sisters I would make them comment on her blog or re-post social media accounts.