April 13

What I Did

Today I created a timeline for my project. The timeline is subject to change by author (me).

Why I Did It

I created the timeline in order to keep up with every aspect of the project. There are a lot of small parts that I have to complete so the timeline will help keep me on track with finishing it and not overloading too much work in the last few days.


4/15 – Mock up

4/17 – Curate all web sources that are needed

Begin to cut/arrange photoshop infograph (rough sketch)

4/20 – Presentation Sign up

4/22 – Peer feedback

Have infograph complete at time of review

4/24 – Have all information put into ThingLink to highlight each part of story

4/28 – Complete project for presentation, practice presentation

4/29-5/6 – Presentations

5/6 – Project Due